We offer a variety of support from one-off help, to assisting with longer term education and training.

Paid Training Positions

Looking for a training program? View all our Paid Training Positions, or get in touch with us at  [email protected]Our employment advisers can help you find the training that’s right for you. 

Upcoming Workshops and Programs

Why not start off 2024 by learning something new? Sign up for one of our January courses now. 

Upcoming 1-2 Day Workshops and Events

Upcoming Longer Programs

Academic Upgrading

Did you know that our teacher is available to help you get your GED, finish high school, support you with your child’s learning, help you with your college courses, prepare you for trades math, register for Independent Learning Centre courses and whatever other academic help you might need? Email [email protected] for more details.

Ontario secondary school diploma

Search for jobs in a wide variety of disciplines. We can help you navigate the course criteria, study details and answer any questions you may have. Read more about getting your Ontario secondary school diploma (OSSD) below.


High School credits

Many people need credits in only one or two subjects in order to access training or apply for jobs. Our teacher is available for advice and academic help. Email Tim for more details.

[email protected]


The GED test in its current form is no longer available.  A new Canadian-developed assessment will be launched in spring 2024 to replace the GED certificate. Previous passing GED scores count towards the new assessment for 3 years (until May 2027)

1 - 3 day workshops

Photo of Megan

Megan registered with Miziwe Biik and took all they had to offer. She attended First Aid/CPR and Food Handler workshops, went to job fairs, and enrolled into an improv call fully-funded by Miziwe Biik.

Training Programs

Trades Training Programs

Photo of Darnell

Darnell connected with Miziwe Biik after he moved to Toronto. He registered and graduated in the Pre-Apprenticeship and Skilled Trades programs. Now he finds himself working with Just Be Woodsy.