Call for Proposals
2025-2026 Call for Proposals
Grant application form
Employers, individuals and community organizations are invited to send in applications. Organizations can apply to cover multiple positions.
Deadline for applications:
- October 24, 2024 by Noon
Please remember: We will ONLY accept applications via email at [email protected].
We will accept applications on an ongoing basis after our first round deadline.
* Need help filling the form or scanning the page. Learn how to scan documents through your phone or tablet on LifeWire.
Need help or have a question? Ask our Projects team. Email [email protected].

Information about the 2025-2026 Funding Grants
Our Vision
Miziwe Biik is committed to assisting all persons of Aboriginal ancestry to attain a better quality of life. We believe that community needs and aspirations are paramount. We are committed to strengthening the community through partnerships that promote equality and self reliance. We will provide training and employment opportunities in a supportive environment in which people can affirm their Aboriginal identities and develop to their fullest potential. We are committed to the belief that it is through traditional and cultural values, practices and resources that we will reclaim our destiny.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide services to the Aboriginal peoples in the Greater Toronto Area, to work with employers to secure employment opportunities, to deliver federal and provincial programs and, promote Aboriginal entrepreneurship and the development of our economies. We will work with individuals, other agencies and groups to provide these services and achieve our mission.
Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET)
The Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) Program is an integrated approach to Aboriginal labour market programming. ISET links training to labour market demand and ensures that Aboriginal people in Canada can fully participate in economic opportunities.
Under this strategy, employment programs and services are designed and delivered that best suit the unique needs of Aboriginal people.
ISET focuses on six major priorities:
- Demand Driven Skilled Trades and Construction
- Community Service and Private Sector Organizations
- Youth Employment and Leadership
- Community Capacity Building: Management Training
- Economic Development: Self-Employment Assistance
- Literacy, Numeracy and Basic Skills
ISET is designed to help Aboriginal people prepare for and find high-demand jobs quickly, as well as keep them in the long term. All Aboriginal people may access programs and services which include:
Skills development
- Training for high-demand jobs
- Job finding
- Programs for youth
- Programs for urban and Aboriginal people with disabilities and
- Access to child care.
ISET Priorities
Demand Driven Skilled Trades and Construction:
Skills enhancement training will familiarize individuals with specific trades and structured preparation for entry into occupational and apprenticeship programs. Examples: Carpentry, Masonry, Truck Driving, Painters, Landscaping, Hairdressing, Aesthetician and Chef Training.
Community Service and Private Sector Organizations:
Will assist individuals who are lacking on-the-job work experience, which will allow transferable skills to be gained. Community organizations and businesses will provide on-the-job training and work experience. ISETS programs include Purchase of Training, Targeted Wage Subsidy and Employment and Support
Youth Employment and Leadership:
Programming for Aboriginal youth with various training and educational opportunities to further develop employment and leadership skills. ISETS programs include Targeted Wage Subsidy, Purchase of Training, Youth Work Experience: Student Employment, Stay In School Initiatives and Job Creation Partnerships.
Community Capacity Building: Management Training:
Facilitating individual’s access to management training to assist community organizations with succession planning activities to prepare Aboriginal peoples for management positions in government, non-profit and private sectors. ISETS programs include Targeted Wage Subsidy and Purchase of Training.
Economic Development: Self-Employment:
Provide access to Aboriginal entrepreneurs to succeed economically by establishing and operating a viable business. Programs and services will assist entrepreneurs in business planning, registration and licensing, financials, marketing/ branding and websites.
Literacy, Numeracy, and Basic Skills:
Skills enhancements, academic upgrading and training for individuals which will allow increased employability. Purchase of Training, Stay In School Initiative, and Employment Assistance and Support Measures apply.
Additional Programs
Job Creation Partnership:
To provide opportunities for unemployed workers to maintain and develop skills in order to enter or re-enter the workforce. Eligible coordinators include businesses, organizations, public health and educational institutions, municipal and provincial governments.
Local Labour Market Partnerships:
To encourage communities to take responsibility for their own employment and training related needs by building on the capacities and strengths of the organization and relationships that already exist in the community. Objectives include enhancing community networking, decision making, increase available labour market information and better utilize financial and human resources.
- Programs that provide life-skills, upgrading, literacy, and culture-based training, computer training at all levels
- Programs that include accredited training to increase the ability of the participant to compete in the workforce
- Programs based on co-op and apprenticeship training. These programs should provide real work experience and first-hand knowledge of the skills required to succeed
- Programs that provide intermediate to advanced skills in emerging markets such as communications and technology
- Programs that include job shadowing to provide participants with hands-on experience
Proposals will be given consideration based on the history of meetingMiziwe Biik project requirements.
These requirements include:
- Timely submission of monthly claim forms, participant information forms, participant changes
- Financial procedures accountability
- Prior registration of participants is required
- Follow-up of participants after the completion of training; For example: Is the participant employed?
Approval for grant applications is based on the following criteria: client needs, priorities and past successes. Miziwe Biik/ Aboriginal Labour Force Development Circle (ALFDC) terms and conditions apply to all programs.
- The training must lead to employment. The training sponsor will advise Miziwe Biik on the employment status of training participants once the training is completed or the participant has exited the training program.
- For profit applicants under the Targeted Wage Subsidy program are expected to contribute a minimum of 25% of the wages paid to the participants. This amount must come from sources other than the funding being requested from Miziwe Biik.
- Other considerations for approval include the sponsor’s previous ability to provide quality training, demonstrated successes, and the ability to meet Miziwe Biik terms and conditions of Contribution Agreement.
- The training opportunity must not exceed time allowed in program descriptions.
Eligibility for Programs and Services
- Participants must be registered with Miziwe Biik and have prior approval before
commencing training with sponsors. - In order to register with Miziwe Biik as a client you must be a reside within the
GTA - Aboriginal community-based organizations or individuals.
- Canadian Aboriginal Persons; Status, Non-Status, Inuit and Métis.
- Non-Aboriginal employers hiring Aboriginal clients.
- Unemployed or facing employment disadvantages.
The Miziwe Biik Board of Directors utilizes the following guidelines in the general assessment of proposals:
- Is the application complete with an (i) Objective, (ii) Training Plan, (iii) Budget, (iv) Identified Trainer(s) with proper Qualifications, (v) Job Descriptions,(vi) Organizational History and an (vii) Identified Evaluation Process?
- Is a new trainee being considered for the position?
- Does the application meet the employment and training needs of both the community and the participants?
- Does the application duplicate services already available in the Aboriginal community?
- The training must lead to future employment opportunities or enhanced training for participants on completion of projects/programs.
- Is the application supported through a Board motion from the submitting Board of Directors and accompanied support letters from the Greater Toronto Area community?
- Are the proposed training activities and the organization within the Greater Toronto Area?
- Does the proposed training activity meet the Terms and Conditions of ALFDC’s Program Guidelines?
- Does the organization have the capacity to provide adequate financial and managerial accountability?
Hiring Process
- Ensure both the Service Canada and Miziwe Biik logos are on job posting.
- Send job posting to your Project Officer for approval before posting to the GTA community.
- Once you have selected your top candidates for the position please send a completed client registration form, resume and cover letter for each candidate to your Project Officer to determine eligibility.
Criteria based on the following:
- Person residing within the GTA
- Job skills
- Job training
- Previous attachment to Miziwe Biik programs
- Costs
- Availability of funds
Appeal Process
Individuals or Organizations who wish to appeal a decision based on the outcome of their application must submit a written letter to the Projects Department. The Appeal will be brought forward on the Board’s next scheduled meeting date. A written response from the Project’s Department will be sent out with a final decision.
Trainee Files
Please be advised that once a Trainee leaves a training opportunity the contract will be deemed closed and funds will be reallocated appropriately. Please note Miziwe Biik receives a high volume of grant applications throughout the year and there are projects on hold due to funding availability.
You may submit another grant application for the position during the next request for proposals.
Deadline for First Round of Applications
Applications for the first round of proposals must be received on or before
October 24, 2024 at 12:00pm (Noon).
Miziwe Biik will only be accepting applications by email.
Please submit proposals to: [email protected]
*Subject to Government Funding
Further Questions
If you have any questions please contact
Ashley Boakye – [email protected]
Christy Martin – [email protected]
Learn about our funding
Miziwe Biik receives funding from Human Resources Development Canada through the Aboriginal Labour Force Development Circle to deliver the training programs to the Aboriginal community in the Greater Toronto Area.
Miziwe Biik offers different funding programs to assist with employing or training our clients.
Please note: Miziwe Biik’s Call for Proposals is entirely digital.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected] for more information.
Full list of programs
Key funding areas
Targeted Wage Subsidy
The objective of this program is to encourage employers to hire employees and to provide on the job as well as off the job training that will lead to employment.
Eligible coordinators can be businesses, organizations, public health and education institutions, municipal governments and native band councils.
Eligible participants can be unemployed individuals facing employment disadvantages.
The duration of this project may last up to 52 weeks.
Job Creation Partnership
The objective of this program is to provide opportunities for unemployed workers to maintain and develop skills in order to re-enter the labour market.
Eligible coordinators can be businesses, organizations, public health and educational institutions, municipal and provincial governments and native band councils.
Eligible participants can be unemployed workers.
The duration of the project may last up to 52 weeks.
Employment Assistance
The objective of this assistance program is to help local community organizations to provide employment services to unemployed persons.
Eligible coordinators can be businesses, organizations, public health and educational institutions, municipal governments and native band councils.
The duration of the contracts may last up to 12 weeks.
Advancement Opportunity
Objective – Unemployed: this program combines employment, through a wage subsidy, and a training opportunity for an unemployed individual who would like to advance themselves and enhance their skills in their present occupation. Eligible individuals who are unemployed and who have an established field of work and have no opportunity for advancement/employment without additional training and related experience.
Objective – Employed: this program is most suitable for someone who would consider themselves “underemployed” in their field and would advance themselves through training and additional experience while on the job. Eligible individuals are those who are employed (full or part-time) but consider themselves “underemployed” and who would like to advance themselves.
Eligible Employers: Businesses, educational institutions, health facilities, community-based organizations, band councils.
Duration: To be negotiated.
Requirements for the Program: There is a requirement that the participant has a written assessment by an Employment Counselor. There is a requirement that the Employer provides a training/work plan that is assessed by the project officer prior to entering the contract. The employer is required to hire the participant upon satisfactory completion of the contract. There must also be an opportunity to replace any employee, who has advanced to a higher position, with an unemployed/underemployed Aboriginal person.
Eligible Financial Contributions:
- Non-profit organizations can receive up to 100% of the prevailing wage rate and MERC.
- For-profit organizations will have a negotiated wage rate up to 75% of the wage rate and MERC.
- Negotiated course costs.
- Negotiated employment supports such as child care, transportation.
- Negotiated one-time participant support to a maximum of $250.
- Negotiated special costs for access for alter-abled participants.
Labour Market Partnership
The objective of this partnership is to encourage communities to take responsibility for their own employment and training related needs by building on the capacities and strengths of organization and relationships that already exist in the community.
Other objectives of this project include:
- Enhancing community networking
- Enhancing decision making
- Reducing or eliminating duplication and overlapping
- Better utilizing (financial/human) resources
- Increasing available local labour market information
Aboriginal self employment
The objective of this program is to assist an unemployed person to become self-employed by starting a viable business.
Eligible participants include unemployed individuals wishing to start their own business.
The duration of the project may last up to 12 weeks.
Contact [email protected] to learn more.
Mobility Assistance
The objective of this program is to assist individuals with jobs that are available in other localities.
Eligible participants can be mobile individuals who are unemployed or about to become unemployed and who have a few or no possibilities of employment locally.
Youth Work Experience
Objective: this employment and training measure is designed to benefit Aboriginal youth (18-30) by providing high-quality work experience within the private sector.
Eligible Participants: Unemployed Aboriginal youth between the ages of 18-30 that have not successfully been able to find employment in their chosen career or educational paths. Participants must not be in school or returning to school.
Eligible Employers: Private sector employers, public sector, not for profit corporations, municipal governments and native band councils.
Duration: To be negotiated up to 16 weeks, however, the assistance can evolve to a Target Wage Subsidy (see above).
Requirements for the Measure: The client must have an assessment and written recommendation by an Employment Counsellor. The employer will provide a work/training plan that will be assessed by the LDM prior to entering an agreement.
Eligible Financial Contributions:
- Wages to be negotiated.
- Negotiated employment supports i.e.: transportation, childcare.
- Negotiated one-time client support to the maximum of $250 for special clothing or safety equipment.
- Negotiated special costs for access for alter-abled clients.